Israel Refine R&D to Support Asymmetric Warfare


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Resulting from lessons learned during years of low intensity conflict in an urban environment, the Israel Defense Forces is expanding its capabilities and autonomy at tactical levels. The close cooperation and geographical proximity of industry, military services and R&D authorities all contribute to exceptionally fast and economical development cycle, from concept through system maturation, yielding advanced and sophisticated solutions responding exactly to most critical operational needs.

Defense Update was invited by the Israel Ministry of Defense and leading defense industries, for a briefing on the new developments, which are enabling organic intelligence collection at battalion and below, improving situational awareness and response, through comprehensive network centric systems and the use of unmanned and robotic systems. The briefings also covered other developments improve survivability and protection of platforms and personnel, through the use of exotic new materials, including reactive and active armor systems, as well as sophisticated countermeasures, combating Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and short range anti-armor threats.

These briefings were organized as part of our preparation for the biannual Eurosatory show. This show provides a unique platform displaying the most up-to-date military systems. Israel’s defense industries have backed this show since its beginning, and 2006 will mark one of the peaks of Israeli participation here, with 42 official booths of Israeli companies, in addition to many more products, displayed here by foreign partners.

Some of the hottest topics covered by the Israelis are asymmetric warfare, intelligence, command and control, and systems developed to augment and support the infantry warrior, Special Forces and counter-terror units. Unmanned systems made in Israel have a significant influence on the new trends of C4ISR. Force protection and survivability is another focus of the Israeli presentation, where companies offer advanced lightweight armor concepts, for personnel, vehicles and active protection systems for vehicles to counter various improvised explosive devices (IED) and other elements required to safeguard military operations in hostile environment. In the armor arena, Israeli companies are displaying advanced concepts enabling fighting “buttoned-up” under armor protection. New types of ammunition are available for tanks, artillery, mortars and rockets completing the range of military options available for the land forces in the 21 century, highlighting high precision and long range capabilities. The close cooperation and geographical proximity of industry, military services and R&D authorities all contribute to exceptionally fast and economical development cycle, from concept through system maturation, yielding advanced and sophisticated solutions that respond exactly to most critical operational needs.

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