RAFAEL, General Dynamics Team to Supply Spain with 2600 Spike Missiles


SPIKE-LR, a member of the SPIKE Family of fourth generation multi-purpose, multi-platform electro-optic guided missiles offers autonomous as well as ‘man-in-the-loop’ day, night and adverse weather operation. The SPIKE Family is comprised of missiles for a variety of ranges (2.5-8 km) and warheads and is designed for use by infantry, on vehicles, helicopters and naval platforms.

SPIKE-LR’s basic mode of operation is Fire and Forget, however an advanced fiber-optic data link provides the added benefit of Fire, Observe and Update operation, enabling the operator to change the direction of the missile after launch, thereby increasing precision and minimizing collateral damage. The SPIKE system is specially designed for all types of conflicts, ensuring maximum survivability for its operator.

Spike LR missile launched from a portable launcher

At present, sales of SPIKE systems amount to over a billion dollars and have been sold and are operational in many countries including Israel, The Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Romania, Finland, Singapore, Czech Republic, some South American countries and others.

More details of the recent Spanish procurement reported by Defense Update in November 2006 were released January 11, 2007, with the announcement of formal contract between General Dynamics Santa Barbara Systems of Spain and the Israel’s RAFAEL. Spain evaluated the Spike LR against the US Javelin and European Milan-ER. The new missiles offering will replace outdated Milan and Dragon missiles currently in service.

According to the contract, the Israeli company will supply its Spanish counterpart with 2,600 SPIKE-LR missile and 260 launchers, for a total value of over US$400 million. General Dynamics Santa Barbara Systems is the prime contractor for the $425 million, eight year program. Approximately 60 percent of the program work will be completed in Spain, where General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas will manufacture system components and perform final assembly and testing. Deliveries are expected to start in 2008.