USMC Funds Production of 15 New Radars


G/ATOR – Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar

The Humvee-mounted lightweight Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) is a U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command program, designed to provide a multi-mission ground-based radar that consolidates four different radar mission areas into one system. In 2005 Northrop Grumman was selected by the USMC to develop and produce the system. The G/ATOR team also includes Sensis Corporation, CEA Technologies, Inc., Techrizon (formally Telos) and CAT Logistics.

In March 2007 Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) a awarded additional $256 million contract for the first phase (Increment I) development and demonstration of the system. The funding covers the development and production of 15 systems, designed to fulfill Short range air defense and air surveillance missions. Additional 48 systems are planned for production in further increments. Further developments will introduce enhanced capabilities and address multi-mission tasks including counter fire/targeting missions and air traffic control missions.

The radar will use active electronically scanned array (AESA) technology to provide aircraft detection, tracking and engagement; cruise-missile detection and engagement; ground-weapon location; and military air-traffic control. The G/ATOR’s modular architecture allows for greater flexibility in adapting it to both existing and new logistics plans, platforms and technologies.

At the initial phase (Increment I) the system will fulfill USMC short range air defense and air surveillance requirements. The program is structured as an evolutionary acquisition consisting of four blocks of incremental development and production, referred to as Increments I through IV. Each block builds upon the capabilities of the preceding increments in an additive fashion.

Increment I supports two distinct mission areas: Short range air defense and air surveillance.

Increment II will address the Marine Expeditionary Force counter fire/targeting missions.

Increment III will incorporate tactical enhancements of the air mission requirements, including Mode 5/S identification friend or foe, decoy/electronic counter-counter measures capabilities, an advanced RES, a non-cooperative target recognition, sensor netting, and an integration data environment capability.

Increment IV will address support of air traffic control missions.