Blackwater Grizzly


One of the newcomers at DSEi, Modern Day Marine and AUSA 2007 expos was the Grizzly from the US company Blackwater. Originally developed to meet the company’s requirements for secure transportation in high threat areas. The vehicle uses a unique ‘diamond hull’ design that consists of a V shaped hull and sloped walls, offering protection against both roadside bomb and under-belly attacks. The vehicle’s armor is made primarily of layered steel plates, combined with air gaps and layered composites to mitigate blast and behind-armor effect. Providing an enhanced protection against advanced threats including EFPs, Grizzly is one of the contenders for the US Marine Corps Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP II) program. It is also being considered for the British MPPV program. The vehicle’s diamond hull shell is attached to a Seagraye chassis, powered by a 330 hp caterpillar C7/3126E turbo-diesel engine. The cab and body are separate and can be removed and installed on the chassis within eight hours. The vehicle has a gross vehicle weight of about 15 tons (30,000 lbs). It can accommodate 8-10 soldiers and the driver seated in blast protected seats or on benches. It is fitted with side, front and rear replaceable armored windows, and multiple firing ports.

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