Distributed Operations (DisOps)


Lockheed Martin is pitching the new ‘Distributed Operations’ (DisOps ), a software tool set designed for the platoon level and below, bringing ‘Command Post Of the Future’ style collaboration down to the lowest tactical level. These applications promise to bring real-time command and control, through intra-unit collaboration, and enhance situation awareness to the platoon and squad level. The company demonstrated DisOps as part of its Command and Control On the Move, a mobile C2 operations center demonstrated on a standard, commercial Hummer.

DisOps consists of two types of devices – the ‘DisOps Connect’ and ‘DisOps View’. ‘Connect’ is a software tool set loaded to a standard tablet PC will provide leaders a tool for pre-mission planning and briefing, as well as post mission debriefing and preparation of after-action-reports (AAR). ‘View’ is designed for Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) used for command, control and decision support. Prior to the mission, users will download the mission plans from the ‘Connect’ to their individual ‘Views’. The DPAs use a wireless mesh network to automatically track friendly forces maintaining a detailed, real-time view of the maneuvering ‘blue force’ at the unit level. DisOps View will be carried by squad and fire team leaders, sharing plans, situational pictures and data transfer between all elements. It will display grid-based maps and imagery, superimposed with blue force tracking showing friendly forces in the area, effectively coordinating complex maneuvers, fire support etc. DisOps view will allow squad fire team leaders to draw with a stylus or drag and drop icons on their map to update the squad with situation awareness information. The DisOps network maintains constant flow of data to keep all units up-to-date with situational views at 10 second intervals.