Armored, Blast Protected Capsule for the HMMWV

The armored, blast protected capsule designed by Granite Tactical Vehicles for the HMMWV. Photo via: Textron Marine & Land Systems

In February 2010 Textron Marine & Land Systems and Granite Tactical Vehicles Inc. have won the first order for three modified High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) for evaluation by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab. The three vehicles will demonstrate upgraded configurations of HMMWVs with armored, blast-protected capsules mounted on an M1114, M1151-A1/REVB and M1165. The Marines will test the vehicles’ mobility, thermal and durability performance in March 2010. The corps have already completed blast and ballistic testing on the vehicle.

The armored, blast protected capsule designed by Granite Tactical Vehicles for the HMMWV. Photo via: Textron Marine & Land Systems

The vehicles are modified with blast-protected armored capsules developed by Granite, to increase the vehicle’s survivability, while maintaining the high mobility and payload capabilities, the HMMWV had in the past. The Granite capsule for the HMMWV was designed by former Navy S.E.A.L. Christopher Berman, founder of Granite Tactical Vehicles. Berman’s idea is to retrofit existing HMMWVs with the armored, blast-protected V-shaped capsule.

Since the fully protected monocoque capsule replaces the passenger compartment of the HMMWV, including the add-on armor, the weight distribution and gross vehicle weight are within the vehicle’s limits, maintaining the HMMWV’s mobility and stability. As can be seen from the photos on this page, the modufied vehilce is slightly wider and higher than a standard unprotected HMMWV.

Textron Marine & Land Systems and Granite Tactical Vehicles Announced their teaming agreement in January 2010.