Rafael Delivers the 1,000th Litening Targeting pod

Litening targeting pods are integrated with a wide range of fighter aircraft, among them the Gripen shown above.

In 1997 Northrop Grumman joined Rafael to become the prime contractor for the Litening pod for the U.S. market and U.S. Government Foreign Military Sales (FMS), representing more than half of all sales (designated AN/AAQ-28).

The pod has been integrated on many different aircraft, from the B-52 bomber, MiG-21, F-5E and F-4E to the latest versions of F-16, F-15E, Su-30 and Typhoon. Among the countries operating Litening are Australia, Brazil, Chile, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, the U.K., U.S. and Venezuela.

Litening targeting pods are integrated with a wide range of fighter aircraft, among them the Gripen shown above.