Elbit Systems to Equip the Polish Rosomak with Battlefield Surveillance Suite

The sensor suite to be integrated on the Rosomak comprises daylight (TV) and thermal vision systems, battlefield surveillance radar, encrypted communications systems and mini-unmanned aircraft system (UAS). Photo: Elbit Systems

By the end of 2011 the Polish Army is expected to equip part of its Rosomak 8×8 armored reconnaissance vehicles with ground surveillance system from Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESLT). Under the order worth about $16 million, awarded by the Polish Ministry of National Defense, the Israeli company will complete delivering the mobile multi-sensor monitoring and surveillance systems in 2011. Elbit Systems’ Land division will team with the Polish Military Communication Institute, in cooperation with local industries.

Rosomak M1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle variant was modified specifically to support the Polish contingent forces in Afghanistan. Among the additions are add-on steel-composite armor clearly visible in this photo, threat warning sensors attached to the turret sides, and wire cutters in front of driver and commander hatches. The vehicle also received new and upgraded communications, and two display systems and acoustic gunshot location system (Pilar). Photo: Polish Army.

The sensor suite to be integrated on the Rosomak comprises daylight (TV) and thermal vision systems, battlefield surveillance radar, unattended ground sensors, encrypted communications systems and mini-unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The new recce vehicle employ the turretless APC configuration and add to three variants already serving with the Polish Army – the infantry fighting vehicle, infantry personnel carrier and casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) variant. Two Polish infantry brigades have already been equipped with these vehicles.

Polish Army Rosomak M3, configured as an armored personnel carrier on patrol in Afghanistan. The vehicle was fitted an open turret mounting an automatic grenade launcher or 12.7mm machine gun. The vehicle is fitted with an improvised net providing added protection against anti-tank rockets. Photo: Polish Army
The casualty evacuation variant (WEP) of the Rosomak has a crew of 3, and is capable of transporting 3 injured soldiers on stretchers and an additional four in sitting position. Photo: Polish Armed Forces Operational Command