Harris to Supply Falcon radios to Brazil


Harris Corporation will supply Brazil’s armed forces Falcon III and Falcon II tactical radios under a new contract worth $14 million awarded by the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brazil plans to deploy the radios in a range of humanitarian, security and disaster relief missions. The communications gear included in this order is comprised of the Falcon III RF-7800V Very-High Frequency (VHF) handheld combat net radio, supporting forward-deployed forces with voice communications and data transfer services at rates up to 192 Kbps over the 30 to 108 MHz frequency band. The delivery also includes the Falcon II High-Frequency (HF) manpack radio set, providing the forces with secure, beyond-line-of-site communications. These radios were found most useful for operations in remote, mountainous or jungle areas, where on line-of-sight communications is restricted to short range only.