AUVSI 2011 Photo Report – First Impressions

A family photo of three of AAI's unmanned aerial vehicles, the Shadow (front), Aerosonde 4.7, and the Orbiter 2. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

A family photo of three of AAI's unmanned aerial vehicles, the Shadow (front), Aerosonde 4.7, and the Orbiter 2. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Among many naval unmanned systems shown at AUVSI was the Wave Glider from SAIC. This solar powered vehicle is designed to provide persistent oceanic surveillance. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
The Skylark 1LE was enhanced to meet specific U.S. requirements. The mini UAV is currently being evaluated by the U.S. Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), equipped with the multi-sensor M-STAMP payload, more powerful processing capacity and Protonex PEM fuel cell that doubles its endurance to six hours. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Lockheed Martin scientists displayed here the Samarai micro UA. The design of this vehicle is derived from the maple leaf, offering an inherently stable vehicle. The propeller rotates the wing to generate lift, controlling the vehicle's flight, and elevation is performed by changing engine speed and elevons. The video is synchronized with the vehicle's rotation to provide 360 degree coverage in stable and ustable format. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Maveric hand tossed micro UAV from Preoria has recently found new uses, among these is the T-Remote Aerial Munition (T-RAM) proposed by Textron Defense for the U.S. Air Force LMAMS program. Textron has adapted the hand-tossed vehicle capable to launch from a tube and slightly modified the vehicle and flight controls and software to improve precision at the terminal phase, commonly performed in a steep dive mode. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Textron defense is offering a guided derivative of its 'Clean Area Weapon' (G-CLAW) demonstrated here on an MBDA Sabre lightweight glide bomb. G-CLAW employs GPS guidance, and a range extension wing kit, enabling UAVs flying at medium or high altitude to attack soft area targets with high precision. CLAW uses a powerful blast fragmenting charge designed to cover a wide area without risking unexploded duds, therefore complying with international treaties banning cluster munitions. (Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
This eight-prop Kestrel VTUAV carries a miniature Moving Target Indcation (MTI) radar developed by IMSAR. The radar is integrated with an EI/IR sensor, providing vehicle, dismount detection and identification (using the EO/IR module) at of several kilometers. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
The Smart Grenade Robot (SG Robot) developed by Hanwha Corp. of Korea is a small unmanned ground sensor packed into an impact-absorbing shell designed to be fired by a rifle grenade , at distances of up to 100 meters. The protecting shell opens by the impact, releasing the robot that can perform surveillance of a building interrior. On detection of a hostile target the operator can activate the grenade packed inside the robot to eliminate the target. Alternatively, the robot can carry a wireless relay to improve communications indoors, enabling other robots to move deeper into the interrior of the building, without losing communications with the operators. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Another innovative design from Hanwha is the pigeon-size Flapping Micro Air Vehicle (FMAV), developed under the Korean Agency of Defense Development and U.S. Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). This experimental vehicle weighs 200 grams, its wing span is 50 cm, it can fly at a speed of five meters per second, or loiter over one place, for up to 25 minutes. FMAV uses an autopilot developed specifically for this vehicle, performing automatic waypoint navigation. The company plans to continue research into the development of an insect-size FMAV, to enable indoors operations and attack. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update