Lockheed Martin Outlines Ground Combat Vehicles Initiatives


Lockheed martin has outlined new activities in the field of Ground Combat Vehicles it is developing as a prime contractor or under cooperation with other primes. Among these activities are the developments of lethality and electronic architecture for the British Scout Specialist Vehicle, and Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) on both programs Lockheed martin has joined forces with General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS). For the US Marine Corps Medium Personnel Carrier (MPC) program Lockheed Martin is also offering a derivative of the Patria 8×8 AMV, designed for amphibious operation.

Lockheed Martin is involved with land systems developments for over three decades, with most of the work focused on tracked and wheeled platforms supporting the MLRS program and its derivatives (MLRS, HIMARS, MLRS repair and recovery vehicle. The company is also involved in two major equipment programs in the U.K., namely the Scout SV program, for which they design and develop the turret, weapon systems and electronic architecture, and the Warrior Capability Sustainment program (WCSP) the later program is still awaiting UK MOD approval as Lockheed Martin remains the sole bidder on this program. The Warrior and Scout SV will share the same turret, saving considerably on development logistics and training costs.

Lockheed Matrin and Patria are offering an amphibious version of the Advanced Modular Vehicle (AMV) for the U.S. marine corp Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC) program. A marinse corps request for proposal is expected within by year's end. The photo above was taken in Finland in 2002, as part of the vehicle's amphibious capability demonstrations.