Saab to Upgrade all ANZAC Ships’ Combat Systems


The Australian Government has approved an upgrade of all ANZAC class frigates to the full anti-ship missile defense standard. System upgrade of seven ANZAC frigates will be performed by the Saab Group in cooperation with the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation and BAE Systems. The upgrade includes the integration enhanced 9LV combat management system, phased array radar and missile director, infrared sensors and an advanced navigation radar system.

Saab have teamed with BAE Systems and CEA Technologies to create the variant of the 9LV combat management system (CMS) introduced with HMAS Perth frigate earlier this year. The upgrade features an extensively redesigned operations room providing improved situational awareness and weapon systems coordination. The operations room has been reorganised to enhance the capability of the ship’s command team. Newly-designed consoles come with 30 inch wide screen displays and 42 inch large screen displays show operational command information across the room. The CMS integrates the entire combat system through a dual redundant Gigabit optical fibre LAN.

Through the year Perth has been performing systems trials including the radar, missile and combat system. According to Australian Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, the tests proved that the new system can defend the ship from modern cruise missile attack.