Defense Update Deploys a New Search Engine


We are happy to announce the deployment of new and improved search service implemented across Defense-Update. Unlike the search we have used since our last upgrade in July, the new search indexes the entire site, including the ‘legacy’ pages of our past versions that were omitted from recent searches.

The new search engine is powered by Google Search, and employs sophisticated algorithms to retrieve the most relevant results. In the coming weeks we are planning to improve this service, adding refined search tabs reflecting the various channels and topics, bringing you even faster, ever more relevant results.

A new edition is image search, indexing all the images published by Defense Update since 2002. The first Images displayed are usually the most relevant.

Other improvements implemented recently include switching to new, more powerful server, optimized to deliver the content as quickly and efficiently as possible. Through these expansions we had to deactivate the server for few hours at a time.

We hope you’ll make use and benefit from the new and improved services

Happy searching and Happy Holidays!

Tamir Eshel – Editor
& Defense-Update team