Japan Orders Advanced CBRN Monitoring Systems from the USA


Japan recently ordered 19 Biological, Chemical and Radiological Warning Systems from Lockheed Martin and its trading partner, the ITOCHU Corporation. The AbleSentry sensors are designed to provide authorities an early warning in case of a possible chemical, biological or radiological attack. The systems include a networked array of remote sensors providing a high probability of threat detection, while minimizing the potential for false alarms.

It also integrates weather monitoring to accurately determine the threat propagation supporting the relevant decision making throughout the command chain. According to Lockheed Martin, networked sensors eliminate the possibility of a single sensor causing a system-wide false alarm. AbleSentry evolved from previous generation of Biological Aerosol Warning Systems (BAWS), adding chemical and radiological detection capabilities. Since 2005 the company delivered 24 such systems to the Japanese military.