L3-Com Linkabit Standardizes WIN-T IP SATCOM Waveform


L-3 Linkabit provides turnkey SATCOM On-The-Move solutions that enable mobile and halted forces to collaborate, access Global Information Grid (GIG) resources, and exchange voice, data and video in a tactical environment. The MPM-1000 modem product family, which, when combined with an antenna and tracking system, provides an off-the-shelf SATCOM On-The-Move solution for both military and commercial applications.

The system’s core has been selected as the standard net-centric IP SATCOM Waveform for the for the new WIN-T theater-level communications grid, facilitating full mesh networking, supporting SATCOM On The Move (SOTM) applications. This solution employs the Network Centric Waveform (NCW) and an FSS-4000 series OTM antenna, supporting native Ethernet encapsulation, which makes it easy to configure military networks that require COMSEC, TCP accelerators and other IP networking devices.

The system supports peer-to-peer communications between terminals, given that one terminal is employed as a network controller. The terminal is designed to conserving bandwidth, supporting ‘bandwidth on demand’, tailoring for dynamic missions. The system can receive up to four stations and transmit to two stations simultaneously. The system is designed to maintain Low Probability Of Intercept (LPI) and Exploitation, and its low latency meets the levels required for Voice Over IP applications. A typical application is the
Prophet Spiral 1+ mobile SIGnals INTelligence (SIGINT) system mounted on a specially configured HMMWV. The system employs the TRM-1000 for the wideband non-line-of-sight communications linking over Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellites.