Supacat Delivers Enhanced SOV to Australia

Supacat HMT Extenda 6x6 equipped with remote weapon station and pintle mounted 7.62mm machine gun.
Supacat HMT Extenda 6×6 equipped with remote weapon station and pintle mounted 7.62mm machine gun.

Last month Supacat has delivered the first prototype of its new special operations vehicle to the Australian Defence Force. In April 2012 Supacat emerged the preferred bidder to provide a prototype vehicle for the Special Operations Vehicle element of the Australian Defence Material Organisation (DMO)’s JP2097 Ph 1B (REDFIN) program. The vehicle is the latest version of Supacat’s Special Forces HMT Extenda. The new vehicle retains a high level of commonality with the Australian Army’s existing Nary HMT fleet, delivered by Supacat in 2009, but provides improved capabilities, particularly in crew protection and vehicle versatility. The DMO will use the prototype during the evaluation phase in support of the options that will be provided to Government at second pass.

For this program Supacat Pty Ltd. has partnered with a team of 14 Australian companies. Supacat Team Australia partners include: Aerostaff, Andrew Engineering, Baker and Provan, Broens Industries, Cablex, Eggler Consulting Engineers, Hallmark Logistics & Engineering, Hofmann Engineering, Marand Precision Engineering, PS Management Consultants, QinetiQ, Tectonica Australia, Unique Solution Partners and VEEM. The team is also working with Elbit Systems of Australia – a subsidiary of the Israeli C4ISR and battle management systems and equipment provider for the Australian military.

In March 2012 Supacat Pty Ltd, the local subsidiary of the British high mobility vehicle specialist acquired the business assets and staff of engineering design services provider, Melbourne, AustraliaUnique Solution Partners Pty Ltd. “Supacat’s REDFIN 1B solution offers capability improvements in the key areas of firepower, protection, capacity, operability and safety, based upon direct feedback from the worldwide operational use of existing HMT fleets. There are also a number of additional options offered that the ADF may wish to choose,” Mr Mick Halloran Managing Director, Supacat Pty Ltd  said.

HMTExtendaThe new vehicle, while retaining a high level of commonality with the Australian Army’s existing `Nary` HMT fleet, delivered by Supacat in 2009, provides improved capabilities, particularly, in the areas of crew protection and vehicle versatility. Supacat’s HMT series combines high levels of mobility, protection, payload and firepower. Designed for use by Special Forces, the HMT Extenda is is the most capable vehicle in its class. Its unique in being convertible to either a 4×4 or 6×6 configuration, to meet different operational requirements by inserting or removing a self-contained third axle unit. The vehicle can be supplied with optional mine blast and ballistic protection kits and with a variety of mission hampers, weapons, communications, ISTAR and force protection equipment to suit a wide range of operational roles.

Nick Ames, Managing Director of Supacat Ltd, said, “The REDFIN 1B award is pivotal to Supacat’s expansion and confirms the superiority of our HMT series as the Special Operations `vehicle of choice`.  With our development of an in-country design and engineering capability, it positions Supacat to access future opportunities in the expanding Australian defence market as well as in diversified industry sectors in the Asia Pacific region”.

Supacat HMT 6x6 SOV was selected for testing for the REDFIN JP project. Photo: SUpacat
Supacat HMT 6×6 SOV was selected for testing for the REDFIN 1B (JP2097 Ph 1B)  project. Photo: Supacat