The mission to detect debris on runways- help increase safety and security


TLV1 - CopyThe Israel Airports Authority (IAA) has declared the FODetect, an automated Foreign Object Debris (FOD) detection system developed by Xsight fully operational at Ben -Gurion airport in Tel-Aviv. I-HLS reports

In May 2011, following a two year evaluation period, the IAA selected and began the FODetect project deployment. In June 2012, the FODetect system successfully passed site acceptance testing, a procedure conducted according to FAA regulations for FOD detection equipment.

The FODetect system is installed on the airport’s primary 0826 runway, the first of three runways planned to be equipped with a FOD detection system. The operational status was declared after a rigorous evaluation process and soft launch testing at the airport’s primary runway.

According to Xsight FODetect is a comprehensive automatic FOD detection solution, comprising multiple Surface Detection Units (SDUs) that are collocated with the runway edge lights. The system’s capabilities are based on a hybrid radar-optical sensing technology utilizing optimized algorithms, advanced image processing software and close range detection. the entire system provides automatic detection and close-up view of suspected FOD over the entire runway, during day and night, including inclement weather conditions.

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Scanning between each aircraft movement, FODetect not only markedly enhances safety, but also increases operational efficiency and runway capacity. Xsight’s FODetect system is fully compliant with the FAA’s regulation for FOD detection, as it meets or exceeds the highest performance levels in every parameter required by the FAA.

The FODetect system is installed on the airport’s primary 0826 runway, the first of three runways planned to be equipped with a FOD detection system.

FOD is an international problem The certification in Israel opens the way for a way to deal with it in a more efficient way.

Experts say that the systems’ sensors are located along airport runways and therefor can serve as an added tool to detect any suspicious movement that can be connected to an terror act.

“It would have to be evaluated but the potential is there” one of the experts told I-HLS.