MTGR Robot Joins the Polish Army

At a curb weight of 16-19 lbs (7.3 – 8.6 kg), MTGR can carry a payload of 22 lbs (10 kg), and operate for 2-4 hours at a range of 500 meters, moving in indoor or outdoor, open or densely vegetated, urban, and subterranean environments.


Poland has selected the MTGR to equip its ground forces with a reconnaissance robot as part of ‘Project Tarantula.’ The man-portable Mini-UGV was developed and produced by RoboTeam, an Israeli specialist in ground robotics.

Originally, Poland planned to field 50 robotic scouts by 2018, but the need for such systems has increased due to the growing tension in neighboring Ukraine, leading the Poles to accelerate the program. The Reago Group, Roboteam’s Warsaw-based partner, will deliver the 50 robots by the end of next year, acting as the prime contractor for the Polish contract. The new robots will support the Polish Army reconnaissance platoons both from the modernized BRDM armored recce vehicles, and on dismounted operations.

At a curb weight of 16-19 lbs (7.3 – 8.6 kg), MTGR can carry a payload of 22 lbs (10 kg), and operate for 2-4 hours at a range of 500 meters, moving in indoor or outdoor, open or densely vegetated, urban, and subterranean environments.

As the robot selected for the Tarantula project, MTGR will provide enhanced visibility in areas inaccessible by human soldiers.personnel.
As the robot selected for the Tarantula project, MTGR will provide enhanced visibility in areas inaccessible by human soldiers.personnel.
Configured for reconnaissance, MTGR is equipped with an integral, omni-directional viewing system, which provides constant, 360° video coverage with a x10 zoom, day/night camera and microphones. On Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and public safety missions, the camera system is replaced by a manipulator arm with four degrees of freedom, operated via a highly-intuitive interface.

MTGR is controlled via the RCOU7 console over a wireless mesh networking datalink. Photo: Roboteam
MTGR is controlled via the RCOU7 console over a wireless mesh networking datalink. Photo: Roboteam

MTGR has scored several marketing successes since its introduction in 2012. It is now operational and combat proven with US Special Forces EOD units and Israel’s Defense Forces. Special forces units in the UK have also ordered the MTGR.