Martha Battlespace Management System


Thales is developing an improved version of the Martha Battlespace Management System designed for the French Army to improve its capability to coordinate and control the operations of helicopters, UAVs, field artillery and air defence artillery in the battlefield. The system provides integrated control of short-, very-short and medium-range defence systems including Roland and Mistral weapon systems and eventually, the SAMP/T as it is fielded. It is comprised of two independent functional processes.

The air defence centre is a command, control and coordination centre, managing the land based air defence fire in real time. This centre is linked to the Air Force command and control systems (ACCS) and is interoperable with the other main command systems of the French Army and allied forces. A separate command element plans and controls field deployment and manoeuvres of the air defence units. The modular computer system employed with the Martha system provides a local tactical air picture by fusing data from a range of radars and system that contribute to the creation of aerial situation, as provided by the Air Force.

The system deploys with forward command elements inside air transportable, mobile shelters that provide full NBC and electromagnetic protection. The number of centres deployed depends on the category of mission and type and quantity of weapon systems involved and can adapt rapidly to force manoeuvres without interrupting operational service. Stage one (first-level coordination (NC1) of Roland and Mistral weapon systems) was awarded to Thales in 1999. Martha stage two is designed to coordinate NC1 centres through a higher-level coordination centre (NC2) and to ensure interoperability between Air Force and Army systems.