PR 4G Combat Net Radio & F@stnet IP Networking Applications


New generation tactical radios have a central role in the creation of central Information Dominance. Deploying multi-mission software programmable CNR radios provide the core system for the new digital battlefield networks. Tactical Internet radios are required to maximize data throughput whilst maintaining range, connectivity and resistance to jamming in a highly disrupted environment.

Current versions of PR4G are provided with F@stnet protocol, supporting up to 64 kbps data transfer waveform, retaining the system’s frequency hopping and anti jamming modes. The system also supports a proprietary frequency hopping Multiplex mode (called SIVD) offering the capability of simultaneously and independently transferring secure Voice and Data communications in the same radio (without prioritizing voice over data or vice versa). The radio also supports standard IP/Ethernet interface makes through the F@stnet a tactical internet protocol. Thales has also enabled other information services with PR4G F@stnet including Short Messages Service (SMS), Situational Awareness and Ad Hoc Networking capabilities.