Unit Operations Center – USMC


Unit Operations Centers (UOCs) are mobile, modular command and control centers designed to support Marines wherever they are deployed. UOCs will be the focal point of decision-making during all phases of ground warfare, allowing Marine forces to digitally collect, process, and disseminate tactical data. Unit Operations Centers (UOC) modular command and control centers are supporting Marine forces.

The systems comprised of tents, trailers, power generators, radio systems and tactical hardware, workstations, large screen display walls, tactical data systems, secure and non secure voice over IP and data communications and mission critical software. The UOC is designed to set-up in 40 minutes. The recent acquisition introduced upgrades that enable the units to interface with a wider variety of Marine Corps communications assets, as well as provide a smaller “footprint” for easier transportation and less space requirement for set up.

Eight systems have been deployed with the USMC in OIF. The Marine Corps Systems Command deployed 15 systems and procured additional 37 through 2005 to equip units at battalion and regimental level. In October 2005, the Marine Corps completed Operational Testing and Evaluation (OT&E) of systems, the last milestone required for full-rate production. The Corps’ OT&E was coordinated with the 1st Marine Regiment; 1st Battalion, 1st Marines; and 1st Battalion, 11th Marines who operated UOCs in Iraq and recently returned from duty there. Following the completion of OT&E, options for additional 50 systems were exercised in December 05; all 102 deliveries are scheduled for completion by June 2007.