Urban/MOUT Advanced Sensor Systems


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Urban UGS systems will include networks of leave-behind sensors that provide localized surveillance supporting Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT). They can be hand-employed by Soldiers or robotic vehicles either inside or outside buildings and structures. The Urban UGS include various Sense Through The Wall (STTW) systems, developed to address current urban warfare requirements. (STTW) Systems will detect, locate and “see” personnel hidden behind non-metallic walls, doors and other visible obstructions. Future capabilities will include detection of concealed weapons and explosives. Among such systems is the Enhanced Motion And Ranging System (EMARS) developed by Raytheon. This sensor uses low frequency radar designed to detect motion behind walls. The system calculates the range of motion of up to 16 targets detected in front arc of the sensor. The hand held unit comprises separate sensor and control unit, enabling remote monitoring of multiple sensors. A different system is developed by BAE Systems. This sensor uses a 920MHz CW radar, detecting motion through walls up to 30 cm thick. Such motion triggers an alarm sent directly to a pager or PDA. The sensor uses a directional Yagi antenna or omni-directional whip, used as “leave behind” Urban/MOUT Advanced Sensor System (UMASS).

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