Microlight – Miniature Modular Software Defined Radio (SDR)


Microlight is a hands-free Software Defined Radio (SDR) designed as a miniature set, fitting a small form factor typically required for dismounted infantry operations, unmanned systems, remote sensing platforms and expendable weapon datalinks. When networked in a given area, Microlights establish ad-hoc, self healing network for high reliability and availability networking.

This lightweight radio (weighing only 250-500gr.) is available as a portable radio (MLP) or Data-Link (MLD) configuration, providing IP compliant connectivity to support voice, video (via up to 1 Mbps packetized imagery) and data transfer. The radio enables simultaneous tracking of the position and location of all network nodes. Microlight operates at the 420-450 UHF band utilizing waveforms for interoperability with various data networks including JTRS, EPLRS UAF and SRW as well as the US Air Force Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL).

Microlight is introducing a new class of flexible radio that provides secure voice and data communications, critical position, location, tracking and information to enable “situational awareness” for networked users. To provide such service, Microlight automatically locates users, giving commanders the ability to know where their people are at all times.