Silynx’ GPS Integrates Silynx Integrates GPS in Headset for Special Operations


Silynx Communications, Inc. is launching a ‘smart headset’ embedded with GPS, designated for special operations. According to Silynx, the embedded GPS functionality supports navigation (position and directions are indicated by voice prompts) and reporting via secured radio transmission, supporting situational picture and force tracking applications. The new headset designated C4OPS will be launched at the upcoming Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa.

The use of embedded GPS gains weight, space and power consumption savings. The system allows the operator to monitor and control two radios, computer and/or an intercom system simultaneously. Similar to Silynx’ QuietOps headset, C4OPS also integrates automatic hearing protection against impulse and steady state battlefield noise.

The C4OPS self adapts to external noise and provides hearing protection based on the type and level of noise. The two radios are remotely controlled by voice or via ‘push to talk’ (PTY) from a remote control unit mounted on the weapon’s picatinny rail. Users can activate PTT, select channels and set the volume level while keeping their hands on the weapon. The headset functions are controlled by audible voice prompts indications, indicating headset mode status, radio channel number and other system features. Voice prompts alert the user if a proper earplug seal was achieved to ensure optimal hearing protection. The new headset system will operate after being submerged in seawater to a depth of 20 meters.

Silynx’ current headset ‘QuietOps’ is in use with various users in the US, NATO and by Israel’s Special Forces.