Convoy Comm – Intra-Convoy Messaging and Alerting System


When such systems are fielded, individual Convoy Comm Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices are distributed to all convoy vehicles, enabling drivers or vehicle commanders to send and receive predefined messages with a touch on the screen. Situational reports or distress calls with accurate position and status information can be sent immediately, without the need for voice communications.

Convoy Comm is designed to provide an intra-convoy communications messaging system, providing convoy commanders with up-to-date situational picture based on the locations and status reports received from each vehicle. The system also enables rapid and effective distribution of alerts and commands.

Alert messages pop up on the PDA’s touch screen, reducing the convoy communications and eliminating confusion. Messages priority and status are clearly depicted in image, color on screen and as and audible alerts. Convoy commanders can view the status of each vehicle, segments or the complete convoy in real time, monitoring locations, status (stopped vehicles, maintenance failure, report at checkpoint etc.), send driving instructions at designated locations, and send commands (blackout, cease fire etc.) or direct convoy members at specific threats.