Counter Improvised Explosive Devices – C-IED


The threat posed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) is the greatest threat facing American and NATO Forces today. Reports have shown that between 70-80% of troop casualties are caused by IEDs and that 2010 has been the deadliest year for US troops in Afghanistan since the war began.

In keeping with these developments, Robert Vitrikas, Program Manager for the Counter Improvised Explosive Device Targeting Program (CITP) at the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) spoke with IDGA’s Senior Editor Nick Yonker on the latest at CITP and ongoing work to combat IED threats. He details what he sees to be the biggest challenge U.S. Forces face in battling the IED threat network. In addition, Mr. Vitrikas also gives his insight into what the future holds for Counter-IED programs for the military in the next decade.