7th Counter IED Conference


More than 50 percent of fatalities among coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan during the first six months of 2010 are a result of terrorist IED attacks. The 7th Annual “Countering IEDs” conference to be held December 7-9 in Washington DC will address this threat, and the measures coalition forces, government agencies and industry are taking to contain and defeat IEDs. This 7th annual event focuses on C-IED operations supporting Counter Insurgency (COIN) operations, combining lethal and non-lethal ways to attack IED supporting networks, as part of counter terrorism efforts inside the USA and abroad.

This event provides an excellent venue for those involved in the strategy, technical development, training, support and operations, to meet piers from different industries and organization, discuss new ideas and capabilities and learn from the experience gained in the field. Among the highlights at the event are the development of troops’ ability to recognize threats before an explosion takes place; employing strategies to attack the insurgent network of operations before devices are constructed and utilized; analysis of the domestic threat of IED’s, and how organizations at the different levels are addressing those threats, domestically and abroad. New capabilities used by the U.S. Army to neutralize vehicle-borne IED’s, activities taken by the Pentagon Force protection Agency, to introduce bomb squads addressing domestic threats, employment of persistent surveillance systems by the U.S. Marine Corps and insights from domestic IED incidents, gained by agents of the Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) teams.

Unlike classified events dealing with this topic, which are relatively narrow in focus, this event is rated ‘Unclassified’, enabling domestic U.S. and international officials from different branches and organizations to share, network and discuss strategies, tactics and learn about the lessons learned by others, to understand the constantly changing technologies and tactics involved with counter-IED.

The event is organized by the MarcusEvans group and sponsored by defense-Update.