U.S. Defense Exports Amount to $31.6 Billion in FY2010


U.S. military sales overseen by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) were $31.6 billion in the Fiscal Year 2010 (ending September 30), topping $30 billion for the third consecutive year. Sales under the government-to-government sales program called Foreign Military Sales (FMS) were $25.2 billion.  Non-FMS security cooperation cases managed by DSCA under various security cooperation authorities were $6.4 billion.

The DoD program for support of Afghanistan’s security forces using the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) made up the majority of non-FMS security cooperation cases in fiscal year 2010 and totaled some $4.7 billion.   Non-FMS security cooperation cases also provided support to other foreign governments, including Iraq and Pakistan. Israel received $4.0 billion leading the FMS customer list with the highest value in sales followed by the Government of Egypt at $2.6 billion.  (Israel and Egypt are also the largest recipients of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds appropriated by Congress through the State Department to be used to pay for purchases of U.S. defense articles and services.) The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at $2.5 billion and the Government of the United Kingdom at $1.8 billion rounded out the top four FMS customers in terms of the value of sales.