French VBL to Equip Russian Border Guards?


Following an acquisition of LMV armored vehicles from Iveco in Italy, Russia is set to add another foreign supplier of armored vehicles. Russian ‘Center for the Analysis of the World Arms Trade’ is reporting today that Russia is in talks with French military manufacturer Panhard on the purchase of 500 VBL light armored vehicles for $260 million. The vehicles are to equip Russian Federal Security Service’s border guards units.

over 2300 of Panhard's Véhicule Blindé Léger (VBL) are operational with 16 countries, the largest operators are the French and Greek Armies (shown in the photo above). If Russia completes this plan, the Russian border guards will be the second largest operator of this vehicle. Photo: Panhard.
The light armored VBL shown here is equipped with the Wasp remotely operated weapon stations and counter-IED jammers, (antennae in the front) to protect vehicle operating in high threat environment. Photo: Panhard