Innocon to sell 50 Micro-Falcon Man Portable UAS in Asia


Innocon announced today the signature of a contract for the supply of 50 MicroFalcon Systems to an unnamed customer in Asia. All 50 systems will be delivered through 2012. The MicroFalcon is designed for close range low altitude surveillance missions. Innocon has already sold the MicroFalcon in Peru, the first system is due for delivery in August 2011.

MicroFalcon from Innocon is a miniature aerial vehicle, weighing about six kilograms, carrying a stabilized EO payload for aerial surveillance and reconnaissance. It is operated by a single person. Photo: Tamir Eshel, defense Update

The miniature man-portable drone will be able to support military forces and first responders gaining real-time situational awareness on emergencies. One of the capability gaps identified by the Japanese response to the recent earthquake and tsunami events was the lack of real time understanding of what was happening in the damaged reactors, which have led to further damage. The new micro UAV will be able to improve such rapid response capabilities at the tactical level.

MicroFalcon System consists of a high performance, small unmanned aerial vehicle, carried, launched and operated by a single person. Each system includes three UAVs and a portable ground control station. The MicroFalcon uses the miniature, STAMP stabilized mini EO payload made by Controp. Relying on a unique biplane boxed type wing design, MicroFalcon endures harsh weather conditions. The light weight, 6kg UAS operates at an altitude of 15,000 feet and stays airborne for two hours day or night. Micro Falcon can land upside down using a parachute, thereby increasing survivability of its mission payload (miniature stabilized sensor) and cutting down on redeployment time cycle.

Innocon displaying the MicroFalcon to personnel of the Israeli police. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update.