Security Israel, Combat 2011 Photo Report

Combat 2011 Exhibition. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update

Security Israel 2011 and Combat 2011 – Israel’s military and security event se taking place in Tel Aviv for the 25th year (security) and 4th time (Combat) are providing a unique opportunity for Israeli companies to showcase innovative developments before they reach the world market.

Hydro-Noa, the Israeli cold entry specialist unveiled here a new tool designed to crack hasp locks. Photo: Tamir Eshel, defense Update
Shay Yermiyahu, marketing manager at Hydro Noa, demonstrates the use of hand held door breaking tool using manually driven hydraulic tool to tear the door off its hinges, bend it inside the room or pull it outside. Hydro Noa provides dedicated tools for speciifc uses or multi-purpose tools applicable for a wide range of applications. Photo: Tamir Eshel, defense Update
Medi-T Mobile Clean Medical Unit. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update

Medi-T Offers Clean Space for Deployable Operating Rooms in Emergency

Top-i Vision Tactical Aerostat System mounting with Lev 4 Stabilized Payload. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
Top-I Vision, aerostat, UAV and EO payload providers have shown here their newest stabilized, dual-sensor payload Lev-6 Z. The payload was demonstrated in operational use, suspended from the Top-I Vision aerostat, deployed outside the exhibit hall. Lev 6 Z is a lightweight system stabilized by two gimbals. The payload uses separate day and night channels, both fitted with continuous zoom. The company has already began working on the integration of a laser target marker into this EO payload. Photo: Tamir Eshel, defense Update
Top-i Vision Tactical Aerostat System Ground Control Station. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
Col. (Ret) Avi Peer, CEO at Thermal Beacon, displays the company's new dual-band, covert thermal marker, facilitating effective identification, marking and signalling between forces employing I2, low-light TV and thermal imagers covering NIR, LWIR and MWIR (3-12 micron) wavebands. The system has recently entered operational service with military customers. Photo: Tamir Eshel Defense Update.
Thermal Beacon also unveiled two new Venom I line of laser markers, infra-red pointer/illuminator mounted on light weapons. The Venom-I emits power levels of 200mw, while the larger IR pointer emits 1.2 watt. By opening beam divergence the the narrow focused beam of the pointer can be turned into an illuminating light source. The low power device is used at short range, typically indoors while the more powerful one is used over extended ranges of 200 - 1000 meters outdoors. The high power level of the outdoor device require users to follow strict safety rules to prevent eye damage, yet the operational benefits are clear, given independence of supporting units (for illumination), employment of covert means, stand-off operation, high intensity illumination over large area, etc. Photo: Tamir Eshel, defense Update
Military DVR of the Goldtech Group displayed two versions of portable digital video recorders, one fitted with an integral display, the other, packing 64 gigabyte storage volume (enough for recording 32 hour of continuous high quality video) and batteries sustaining an eight hour mission. The system has an integral store and replay displaying the stored video on auxiliary peripheral device. Photo: Tamir Eshel
ESC BAZ Night Vision And Thermal Electro Optics Devices. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update

ESC BAZ Introduces Ambush Kits for Hand-Held EO Binoculars

The lightweight, tripod mounted man-portable pan-tilt mount developed by ESC Baz, coupled with remote control unit, to provide standard EO sensors or EO/IR binoculars to be used as remote controlled surveillance sensors without risking operator exposure. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense Update
Elios VMOS - Integrated Vehicle Mount Observation System. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-pdate

Stretched Paramilitary Versions for the Sandcat

Plasan Sandcat Recce Version, Mounted with ELIOS Observation System
Plasan Sandcat Spec-Ops Version. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
Plasan SandCat Police and Border Patrol Version. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
The New Zibar Truck Version, Debuting here at Combat 2011 Exhibition. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update

New Pick-Up Truck ZIBAR Hauls 2.8 Tons Anywhere

The Zibar MK.ii Here on Display. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update
Automotive Robotic Industry CEO Amos Goren, Next to the AMSTAF UGV. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense-Update

AMSTAF – Autonomous, Robotic Security Vehicle