International Armoured Vehicles 2013


International Armoured vehicles Conference and Exhibition 2013
February 5 – 8, 2013 – Farnborough, UK

The International Armoured Vehicles conference and exhibition (IAVs) offers a unique combination of high-level briefings from senior international military; technical sessions from key experts in C-IEDs, Future Armouring, Simulation, Weapons Stations Integration and Situational Awareness; and a high-impact, focussed exhibition hall dedicated to the armoured vehicles community.

As the flagship of Defence IQ’s global armoured vehicles series, IAVs is the largest, most prestigious and best-attended; last year alone, the event gathered 600+ conference attendees and over 2,000 visitors to the exhibition.  This year’s event introduces a special Industry Day, a second G6 Panel – focusing on International Markets, new specialised streams and a “Ride and Drive” at the Long Valley Test Track for test track exhibitors.

View the speaker list and session details in the 2012 programme online at In addition, Visit the International Armoured Vehicles Resource Centre at for complimentary and regularly updated Articles, Speaker Interviews, Videos and Presentations. Join us in the Armoured Vehicles Networking Group on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter @IAVehicles, or like us on Facebook.

Entrance to the IAVs Exhibit is free upon access approval (Conference entrance fees will apply). Register online at

Defence IQ is delighted to invite Defence Update members to attend the main conference at a special discount rate of saving 20% off the standard conference price. Email [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7368 9300 with code IAVs2013_DU for more information.