Soldier Technology 2013


January 28 – 31, 2013
Marriott Gateway, Crystal City – Jan. 28-30
Officers Club, Ft. Belvoir – January 31



I would like to introduce to you Soldier technology 2013 – a leading event sponsored by Defense-Update.

If you haven’t attended the Soldier Technology meeting and exposition before, let me keep you up to date on the program developments and let you know about a special offer expiring next week.

Download the program which contains acquisition updates and requirements briefs from over 40 soldier modernizers. Read on if you are involved in soldier, marine, airborne soldier and Special Operations programs of record….

What is Soldier Technology?

Soldier Technology is the annual meeting of senior soldier and marine system modernization leaders in Crystal City, Arlington where decisions about future capabilities for the small unit and squad take shape.

It is the only place where over 550 government and industry program managers meet and learn from Pentagon, Army, Marine Corps and industry leadership about soldier system modernization requirements and business opportunities to unburden, connect, train and protect ever more lethal small units and squads. There is no better forum to monitor activity across the full spectrum of US and international soldier and marine systems acquisition programs than Soldier Technology.

[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Special Offer for Defense Update Readers: Register Your Place By October 19 and Get up to $300 Off! Enter code: DU[/box]

Here are 6 ways in which Soldier Technology will give you more value than any other similar event:

  1. Boost your domestic and foreign military sales by understanding the latest US Marine Corps, allied nations and the US Army requirements
  2. Get your message across to a qualified audience of government and industry soldier, marine and squad program managers in an open environment
  3. Gain introductions to the people, programs and ideas driving marine and soldier modernization today
  4. Exchange new ideas, discuss new equipment as well as collaborate on joint initiatives with domestic and foreign customers and partners
  5. Have your technical questions answered directly about your equipment in the field or soon to be deployed
  6. Align your business and product lines by getting insight on all soldier modernization initiatives in North America

See the full list of speakers confirmed to date to find out who you’ll meet and hear from!

Given that Soldier Technology offers you a unique set of opportunities and benefits to improve your awareness of innovations for the soldier and marine plus put you in touch with all the industry subject matter experts for your future information needs, this is one meeting you simply can not afford to miss.

[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Special Offer for Defense Update Readers: Register Your Place By October 19 and Get up to $300 Off! Enter code: DU[/box]

Email me today if you would like to receive more information on the agenda, speakers and special offer from our Customer Service Team: [email protected]

Alternatively, book in one of the easy ways below:

Call: +1 (888) 482.6012
Fax: +1 (646) 200.7535

I look forward to receiving your registration and welcoming you onsite.

Best regards,
Tom Webber
Director, Soldier Technology 2013

P.S. If you have enough information to register, book by October 19 to get $300 off!

Industry & Manufacturers: Only a limited number Exhibition and Partnership opportunities remain, contact us for information on:

  • Exhibition booth space
  • Presenting opportunities
  • Branding opportunities

How can you find out more?

See details online, request a call with information or call on +44 (0) 20 7368 9465