Managing Life with Cyber Threats


Joseph Weiss, President & CEO - IAI
Joseph Weiss, President & CEO – IAI
IAI is developing the tools and methodologies enabling organizations to better prepare to cyber attacks and minimize the negative effects that such attacks can cause

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is expanding its activities into the cyber world, offering operational solutions for government authorities and large corporations, seeking advanced solutions to secure their information systems.

iai-125x125-Sing14The company has been active in this field for years; Operations have been ongoing for several years focusing on communications, networks and information system security. “As a leading defense contractor in Israel we are positioned at the forefront of cyber security. The advanced and unique capabilities we are developing are those that should be implemented by government agencies, critical national infrastructures, finance and security organizations and other large corporations, seeking to establish comprehensive, resilient security throughout their information systems. We have the tools, platforms and infrastructure to take a leading position in cyber” Stated Yossi Weiss, IAI President and CEO.

The solutions provided by IAI as part of a comprehensive cyber defense and early warning suite providing multi-level security for large organizations. Such package generally includes operational planning and training, persistent monitoring, alerting and cyber forensic capabilities. The system also facilitates management and control of cyber events, enabling the cyber response teams to contain damages and recover the systems, information and assets as quickly as possible.

“The philosophy behind our systems is based on the fact that cyber attacks are part of our daily life and cannot be fully eliminated” Weiss added, The effects of such attacks can be controlled, minimizing the potential damage they can cause. “Getting there requires intimate acquaintance with the threat, observing its behavior, controlling its activity and responding to any unexpected transactions” Weiss explained.

The first step in advanced cyber defense is to discover an attack at an early stage, before any damage is caused. IAI is implementing advanced early warning systems developed in its research and technology excellence centers. The center has developed new approaches based on advanced statistical anomaly detection engines, data modeling capabilities, and advanced analytics designed to predict and detect subtle, low signal threats (such as Advanced, Persistent Threats – APT). “Part of these new solutions is derived from the expertise gained through signal intelligence and EW.” Weiss added.