ATLAS North America acquires US based sonar company MSTL


ATLAS North America LLC. (ANA) has acquired the business of Marine Sonic Technology (MSTL), Ltd., based in Yorktown, Virginia, USA, via an asset deal. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. ANA is a wholly owned subsidiary of ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH, Germany.

“MSTL’s core competencies with high resolution sonar technology are highly synergistic to the ATLAS Group’s existing capabilities and with the addition of these new side scan products, expand ATLAS’ total sonar product offerings.” explained Sergio Diehl, President and Chief Executive Officer of ATLAS North America LLC.

The initial focus is on ATLAS line of Remotely Operated and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (ROVs/AUVs) i.e. SeaFox, SeaCat and SeaOtter. ANA is currently executing mine neutralization contracts with the SeaFox UUV based on an urgent operational need statement (UONS) for the US NAVY. The installations are in the AVENGER CLASS mine countermeasure vessel, the MH-53E mine countermeasure helicopters and with the US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal community.

“ATLAS North America’s acquisition of Marine Sonic Technology creates for the ATLAS Group a greater worldwide stake within the sonar survey, mine warfare and the fast growing autonomous vehicle markets.”

For ANA, the new combined facility provides the critical U.S. based production and manufacturing facility required to affix the “Made in the USA” label on SeaFox Mine Neutralization Vehicles, and other planned products for the U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Forces.”

Marine Sonic Technology, offers the highest resolution currently available at 1800 kHz, from the early Sonic High-Accuracy Ranging and Positioning System (SHARPS) to the latest ARC Scout which is the smallest dual-simultaneous digital CHIRP embedded system capable of producing near photographic imaging. Servicing industries around the globe such as Oil & Gas, Oceanic & Marine Construction, Search & Rescue, Law Enforcement, Military & Defense.