Alion’s HAWK to expedite SDR waveform development

the new framework will provide developers a robust development ecosystem' that will enable developers higher level of  flexibility in  developing SDR systems, so that disparate radio networks can interoperate.


Alion’s Science and Technology was awarded a $4.5 million three year contract to develop an advanced framework for the development of  enabling rapid development of software-defined radio (SDR) waveforms.

Also known as ‘Holistic Waveform Development Kit’ (HAWK), the new framework will provide developers a robust development ecosystem’ that will enable developers higher level of  flexibility in  developing SDR systems, so that disparate radio networks can interoperate.  “Alion’s agile development model will enable us to quickly deliver enhancements to key communications and RADAR-based systems,” said Chris Amos, Senior Vice President and Manager of the Alion Technology Solutions Group.

As part of the project the FLEX Data Link will be improved. FLEX is an architecture that supports multiple high-speed data transmissions – from radar and electronic warfare to signals intelligence – simultaneously.

Under the new contract Alion will design, develop, test and integrate services for the HAWK ), in support  for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).  “Research and development efforts under this contract will provide significant improvements in wireless communication data rates and also implement efficient and highly adaptive development processes that will provide cost benefits to AFRL for future improvements of communications and RADAR-based systems.” Amos added.