Russian Army Evaluates a New, Disposable Rocket Launcher


The Russian Armed Forces are testing a new, yet unnamed disposable rocket-propelled grenade launcher, according to a Russian defense industry source. According to Russian industry sources quoted by the TASS news agency, the new launcher slightly resembles the Swedish AT-4 system. The new launcher is shatterproof and protected against occasional drops. As of early 2016, Russian Armed Forces are equipped with a number of disposable rocket launchers, including the RPG-26 Aglen (Surf), RPG-27 Tavolga (Meadowsweet), RPG-28 Klukva (Cranberry), RPG-30 Kryuk (Hook), RPG-32 Barkas (Launch ship) – all are disposable anti-tank grenade launchers. These are operated in addition to RPG-7 and RPG-29 reusable rocket launchers.