Elbit Systems Tadiran debuts Multi-Band Software-Defined Handheld Radios at DSEi

Tadiran SDR-7200 HH (hand held), a compact, lightweight SDR fitted with an integral, high resolution 2.8” color display capable of displaying live video streaming. Photo: Elbit Systems

Elbit Systems is unveiling today two advanced hand held tactical radios at DSEi 2011. The SDR-7200 HH multiband, software defined radio and the Personal Network Radio PNR-1000A personal communicator, both supporting advanced voice, data and video transfer capabilities.

Tadiran SDR-7200 HH (hand held) is the newest member of Elbit Systems’ Tadiran SDR-7200 Software Defined Radio family (SDR), a compact, lightweight SDR fitted with an integral, high resolution 2.8” color display capable of displaying live video streaming. The new radio was specifically designed for dismounted operations, offering both voice and data communications with command and control (C2) applications, seamlessly connecting to a variety of sensors.

Tadiran SDR-7200 HH (hand held), a compact, lightweight SDR fitted with an integral, high resolution 2.8” color display capable of displaying live video streaming. Photo: Elbit Systems

The new radio provides real-time situational awareness on-the-move, multi hop ad-hoc networking and advanced routing supporting hundreds of users in a network. SDR-7200 is designed to support commanders at the platoon level, communicating over both narrowband (NBWF) and wideband (WBWF) waveforms. The system supports data connectivity over a broad VHF/UHF spectrum, carrying up to 115 Kbps in 25 kHz channels over V/UHF bands and up to 1 Mbps over wider channels in the UHF bands).

The system also features integral counter-countermeasures (ECCM) and communication security (COMSEC) supporting operational networks and Special Forces operating ad-hoc networks. Its distinctive automatic routing and relay capability dramatically extends its reach even over harsh field conditions, while mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) provides continuous IP networking connectivity throughout any mission.

The versatile Tadiran SDR-7200HH combines voice capability with advanced video streaming on the same network channel simultaneously. The radio also has an integral video camera to support video conferencing over tactical networks. Built-in digital video recorder (DVR) offers recording and playback of video streams, enabling users to study video feeds, maps, reports and targeting information on demand.

A new hand-held Personal Network Radio (PNR) from Tadiran. The new PNR-1000A radio provides high-quality intra-team voice, data video communications extending squad level radio communications with advanced C4I capabilities. Photo: Elbit Systems

PNR-1000A Personal Network radio

Another new tactical radio from Tadiran is the Personal Network Radio (Tadiran PNR-1000A), a miniature hand-held radio that continues the line of Tadiran’s proven PNR-500 line. The new set provides high-quality intra-team voice, data video communications extending squad level radio communications with advanced C4I capabilities. According to Tadiran, the new radio employs communications technologies to maintain uninterrupted connectivity in urban terrain.

PNR-1000A features full duplex voice communication, dynamic network architecture, priority mode communication and interconnectivity to long-range radio networks. Utilizing a proven, proprietary self-synchronizing technology which has already been implemented in previous PNR models, PNR-1000A’s dynamic network architecture eliminates the need for a central control unit or master station with no point of failure. This unique technology maximizes communication dependability while minimizing the network’s vulnerability. The radio can also connect directly to a vehicle intercom system, enabling personnel to dismount from a vehicle and to move freely while maintaining full connectivity while interconnecting with long range VHF/HF/UHF networks, via the vehicle’s mounted tactical radios. In the intra-team wireless conferencing mode the system shares up to six speakers.

PNR-1000A is designed as a scalable and upgradable system, the system uses an intuitive man machine interface with audible indication, enabling hands-free and blind operation supporting infantrymen and Special Forces operatives.