General Atomics Team with Sener, Promoting Predator in Spain


General Atomics Team with Sener, Strengthening Predator Offering in Spain General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) is teaming with SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A., a leading Spanish engineering, consulting and systems integration company, to promote GA-ASI’s Predator Unmanned Aerial Systems meeting Spain’s airborne surveillance and reconnaissance requirements.

Following the impressive performance of Predator family UAS in combat, in Central Asia and the Middle East, the company won significant sales in the UK, with other NATO countries considering the system for their air forces. According to Thomas J. Cassidy, Jr., president, Aircraft Systems Group at GA-ASI the Predator will “offer a proven, versatile, and cost-effective solution that will meet Spain’s surveillance requirements and expectations”.

SENER participates in several European aerospace programs, among them the Eurofighter and Eurojet, Airbus A-380 and A-400M. The company is also involved in European space programs, including earth observations satellites, including the Galileo. Rafael Quintana, general manager for Aerospace, SENER said that the company’s expertise in delivering ISR systems to the Spanish Defense and Security Forces through the adaptation and integration of platforms and sensors and its capability to provide in-country operational and logistical support will contribute to the team’s offering.