Simlat Integrates SIGINT Package in UAV Trainer


Simlat Ltd. and the U.K. based Abacus EW Consultancy Ltd. have entered a collaboration agreement to offer training solutions for UAV SIGINT operators. Under the agreement, Abacus will utilize Simlat’s STS-Pro Stand-Alone Training System as an integral part of its SIGINT training program. The company demonstrated this new capability at the EW Open Day held at Abacus EW Consultancy on May 12, 2009.

According to Yuval Peshin, President, Simlat Ltd., the need for SIGINT training solutions is more apparent now than ever, especially in the constantly evolving UAS market. “The integration of SIGINT to our simulation system will provide an optimal tool for UAS operator training and will provide Abacus customers with turnkey solutions for their EW training needs” Peshin added. The SIGINT simulation is part of the company’s fused sensors simulation package currently supporting EO, IR, NVG, SAR, ELINT and COMINT. “Other custom-made and more exotic sensors are in the pipeline” added Uri Barzily, Simlat’s Chief System Engineer.