Mobius Protection Systems


mobiusMobius Protection Systems (PS), a designer, engineer and manufacturer of survivability products – from crash and blast protection in combat vehicles and aircraft to car safety products in vehicles. The company’s products implement innovative and unique, patent pending energy absorption techniques facilitating flexible and simple safety and survivability solutions assuring flawless performance under the most demanding conditions.

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The patent pending EA technology was developed by Mobius PS team of expert engineers, having the insight, knowledge and operational experience in designing and developing blast protected combat platforms and shock absorbing systems. Many of the company’s expert engineers are veterans of Israel’s Defense Forces Merkava tank program.

Mobius PS proven technology is based on a simple approach, utilizing a single, factory tunable element, manufactured to meet preset EA characteristics. The fixed Profile Energy Absorption element performs its mission with continuous self-adjusting dynamic attenuation, providing maximum protection to full range of occupants weights, from light 5th percentile female up to heavy 95th percentile male and beyond. This implementation provides a straightforward attachment of crew seats, passenger seats or benches, to the floor or to the walls, without the need for motion guides, rails or complex suspension and isolation techniques. Using light, strong seat frames and attachments the seats are validated to face multi-directional impacts, from blast or accident and crash scenarios. To restrain the occupants to their seats, 4-5 point safety belts, all-belts-to-seat, adjustable head-rest (available with side supports) are also provided.

Mobius PS offers its EA technology as off-the-shelf products, ready for integration in new vehicles, as add-on upgrade for legacy seats, as well as custom designed kits. The EA systems can be provided both with original seats as well as Add-On for legacy seats, meeting the most stringent requirements and minimum physical space claim available. Mobius PS also offers complete system integration for maximal protection and has been cooperating with a number of international companies in the field.

The unique EA technology developed by Mobius PS  is integrated in various blast protection mechanisms employed in modern military vehicles, designed to protect soldiers from mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). The technology developed by Mobius PS rapidly dissipates the energies experience by the vehicle in multi-hit scenarios. Unlike other EA techniques relying on complex assemblies, suspensions rigs or moving parts, susceptible to degradation by environmental conditions and corrosion, the AE developed by Mobius PS protects from IEDs mines without compromising on performance, safety, ergonomics and user comfort.

Mobius Protection Systems’ product lines includes the following systems:

Floor and Wall Mounted Blast Protected Seats.

Floor and Wall Mounted Blast Protected Seats

The floor-mounting Blast and Crash Protection Energy Absorbing mechanism can be implemented as a standalone system and can be incorporated with legacy seats. FMVSS certified, the seat is available in three different height configurations, with an adjustable or fixed frame, fore and aft adjustment and ergonomic foam structure. The seat retains four or five attachment points for safety belts. Wall mounted configurations also has Foldable pan and back for access to the wall. Back

These FMVSS certified seats are available in different height configuration as-well-as custom design for special requests. The seats are compatible with standard fore/aft adjustment slides. Mobius PS EA technology is also available with original GSS seat or as an Add-on system for legacy seats. Integral feet protection is also optional for floor mounted seats, where the EA element effectively keeps the occupant’s feet away from the floor during an explosion event. Back

Confined Space Blast Protection Applications from Mobius PS

Confined Space Blast Protection Applications

For applications where available space is limited, Mobius PS provides effective EA solutions employing compact wall-mounted front-facing EA and bench alternative blast protected seating system. The wall mounting assembly has Pan and back that fold flat against the wall, using a snap-lock to open into a seating position. The blast protected bench introduces a unique, light and survivable alternative to seat an entire squad. The bench comprises a series of sectioned personal EA seats grouped together into a single unit that Pan folds flat against the wall. In case of an explosion, each seat acts individually to provide maximum protection to each individual.

Mobius PS can also adapt the EA assembly to meet limited space requirement or upgrade existing attachments, such as implementing floor mounted devices over wall mounted brackets or Wall-mounted seats over floor-mounting brackets. In special circumstances where floor-mounted configuration cannot fit, Mobius PS provides a low profile EA assembly integrated with height adjuster, offering the crew uncompromised protection and ride comfort. Back

Energy Absorbing Mounts and Sockets

To prevent objects from tearing out of their mountings by the blast effect, thus becoming life threatening fragments, Mobius has developed energy absorbing mounts that replace standard mountings used for the attachment of internal equipment such as radios, ammunition boxes, batteries etc. Under all operating conditions these mounts perform as the original mount, but deform to absorb the blast forces when exposed to extreme accelerations. Back

Seat Accessories

The company also offers different accessories for the seats, including height adjusters, for/aft adjustment, special installation brackets, etc. Back