Demand for Aerostats Increases Demand for SPEED-A Payloads

SkyStar 300 from Aeronautics. Photo: Aeronautics
Our Sponsor: Rada

Two years ago Controp unveiled its new, aerostat-optimized EO multi-sensor payload system. Since its introduction, SPEED-A has been operational in combat by several military forces, used for border and force protection, providing unsurpassed persistent surveillance performance. The lightweight (23kg) system has already been deployed on the Skystar 300 tactical aerostat system, deployed at an altitude of about 1,000 ft. The Skystar system was developed by Aeronautics Defense Systems. At Aero-India 2011 Controp debut the new 24kg Speed V stabilized EO/IR observation and panoramic scanner, developed specifically for vehicular applications.

The SkyStar 300 from Aeronautics. Photo: Aeronautics