Stark Aerospace offers tethered hovering sensor to CTTSO

The Hovermast 100 carries 6 kg of payload, including the Controp T-STAMP  multi-sensor EO payload, weighing 2.8 kg. The images collected by the payload are displayed in real time at the ground station, and can be transmitted via wireless link to other users. Photo: Sky Sapience
The Hovermast 100 carries 6 kg of payload, including the Controp T-STAMP multi-sensor EO payload, weighing 2.8 kg. The images collected by the payload are displayed in real time at the ground station, and can be transmitted via wireless link to other users. Photo: Sky Sapience

Stark Aerospace is offering the HoverLite tethered hovering platform developed by the Israeli SkySapience, for evaluation by sponsored by the US Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO). HoverLite provides exceptional asymmetric observation and surveillance capabilities supporting military, homeland security and civilian missions for pop-up surveillance, border patrol, crowd monitoring, and emergency rapid response missions.

StarkAerospace has already introduced several unmanned system platforms in the US market, the latest was the ArrowLite supplied to the US military through CTTSO.

Rising to a height of 165 ft. in ~ 15 seconds, HoverLite is secured by a tether providing power and bi-directional signals to and from the aerial platform and its sensor. HoverLite can be operated on the move and broadcasts ISR products to users on the network or local with no signature.

The platform is capable of carrying any payload of up to 13.2 lbs. HoverLite is suitable for a wide range of small platforms including pick-up trucks, ATVs, UGVs/USVs (unmanned ground /surface vehicles), boats, communication vehicles, etc.