Colombia Eyes Second Hand Typhoons from Spain


The Colombian Air Force is evaluating several options to modernize its fleet of fighter aircraft. Bogota currently operates a small fleet of upgraded Kfir Mk10/12 fighters acquired from Israel. Bogota recently received two additional Kfirs, to replace aircraft lost in operational attrition. Among the options being considered are Lockheed Martin F-16, available from a number of suppliers including IAI, that also modernized the Kfirs currently operating in Colombia. (Israel recently decommissioned F-16 Block 30/40).

Acquisition of other advanced fighter jets is also considered, including buying Trance 2 Typhoons from Spain or used Rafales from France. The Boeing F/A-18C/D and Russian Su-30 is also a viable option. However, these three are twin-engine jets that might be too expensive for the Colombians. The Swedish Gripen is another candidate, particularly for the Swedish flexibility in offering Gripens under leasing agreements.