GPS III Program


Among the advanced GPS capabilities developed by Boeing for the U.S.A.F Navstar GPS Wing the military, are 12 GPS Block IIF satellites , currently under contract. Boeing is expected to deliver the first GPS IIF satellite in 2007. For the next decade, the company is offering the next generation GPS spacecraft, for the GPS III which will include inherent anti-jamming.

The program successfully completed a critical U.S. Air Force review of its Global Positioning System (GPS) Space Segment III program in November 06 and has been awarded a $50 million contract for additional system design activities. The review was part of a $10 million follow-on order to the Phase A Concept Development Contract awarded in 2004. The U.S. Air Force is expected to award the multi-billion dollar GPS III contract in 2007.

The $50 million cost-plus-fixed fee contract supports a System Design Review in March 2007 and key program decision points in June 2007. The modification adds detailed system engineering and design, and continues risk reduction efforts as the Air Force moves toward initial launch in 2013.