Advanced Technology Countering Terror Threats


The following photos are part of Defense-Update coverage of breaking news at the Counter Terror Expo that opened today in London.

Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems offers a communications device that can link 4Khz of digital voice or data to a diver or vehicle 50 meter underground, or submerged. Several such devices can be used to locate (triangulate) a and track vehicles underground, underwater or in tunnels and mines. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems offers a communications device that can link 4Khz of digital voice or data to a diver or vehicle 50 meter underground, or submerged. Several such devices can be used to locate (triangulate) a and track vehicles underground, underwater or in tunnels and mines. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Radio Physics displayed the polymeric Millimeter-Wave Radar Threat Level Evaluation (MiRTLE), a polymetric radaroperating at the 75-110 GHz wave band, that detects suicide bombers from a distanceof 30-40 meters. The tripod radar can detect various threats based on the composition of material, from a distance if 6-40 meters. A hand-held system weighing 2.8 k is also available, capable of detecting threats at range up to 10 meters. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Radio Physics displayed the polymteric Millimeter-Wave Radar Threat Level Evaluation (MiRTLE), a polymetric radaroperating at the 75-110 GHz wave band, that detects suicide bombers from a distanceof 30-40 meters. The tripod radar can detect various threats based on the composition of material, from a distance if 6-40 meters. A hand-held system weighing 2.8 k is also available, capable of detecting threats at range up to 10 meters. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
WeaponsEffects (WE) has been offering military and law enforcement non-pyrotechnic weapon effects that realistically simulate threats, including this suicide vest kit, worn by insurgent opforce. to simulate the behavioral psychological effect of suicide bombers attacks . The charges are powered by compressed gas (CO2 ) and create a noise, flash/smoke effect. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
WeaponsEffects (WE) has been offering military and law enforcement non-pyrotechnic weapon effects that realistically simulate threats, including this suicide vest kit, worn by insurgent opforce. to simulate the behavioral psychological effect of suicide bombers attacks . The charges are powered by compressed gas (CO2 ) and create a noise, flash/smoke effect. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Advanced Laser Imaging displayed a 3D laser scanner that can be mounted on tripod, robot or multirotor, providing rapid and accurate 3D model of a scene. For recording of a crime scene, the hand held Freestyle 3D scanner is used, providing accurate, simple and affordable solution for crime scene recording. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Advanced Laser Imaging displayed a 3D laser scanner that can be mounted on tripod, robot or multirotor, providing rapid and accurate 3D model of a scene. For recording of a crime scene, the hand held Freestyle 3D scanner is used, providing accurate, simple and affordable solution for crime scene recording. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update
Alford Technologies displayed a wide range of water projecting disruptors, for deployment against small and large IEDs, including vehicle borne IEDs (VBIED). The device is using a wate container surrounded by a linear shaped charge. When activated, the explosion forms a jet of water slicing through a suspected object at a speed of 1200 m/sec, devastating the target and disrupting its triggering mechanism. While devastating at a close range, the water jet rapidly dissipate at longer range, thus eliminating collateral damage. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update.
Alford Technologies displayed a wide range of water projecting disruptors, for deployment against small and large IEDs, including vehicle borne IEDs (VBIED). The device is using a wate container surrounded by a linear shaped charge. When activated, the explosion forms a jet of water slicing through a suspected object at a speed of 1200 m/sec, devastating the target and disrupting its triggering mechanism. While devastating at a close range, the water jet rapidly dissipate at longer range, thus eliminating collateral damage. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update.