PAPV Counter-Optical System – Portable Laser Countermeasure


The Portable Laser Countermeasure System known as PAPV, developed and produced by the Russian Nudelman Precision Engineering design bureau. The system weighs 56 kg, yet, is considered “portable”. The system enables performs detection and neutralization of snipers, and performs as an EO countermeasure unit against combat systems equipped with electro-optical devices such as tanks, attack helicopters etc. The PAPV system uses a low-power laser (2W) to detect EO systems. When located, the system transmits a more powerful laser pulse (1.5 Joul at the 1.06 micron or 0.2 Joule in the 0.53 micron wavelengths) to blind and disrupt the optical system. The system operates at ranges from 300 to 1,500 meters.