WWII Flypasts Mark the 70th Anniversary for the Battle of Britain


On the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain this week the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) performed commemorative flypasts and displays to mark the occasion. These flights culminate with a flypast over the cabinet War Rooms where Robert Hardy read the famous speech by Mr Winston Churchill “never has so much been owed by so many to so few”.

Two World War II fighters, a Spitfire and Hurricane fly in formation during a flight display commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Photo: Crown Copyright/MOD 2010

As part of the aerial displays this summer, synchronised flights were demonstrated by an RAF Typhoon and Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire. The Typhoon, from 29 Sqn Royal Air Force Coningsby seen below flew last flight this year at RAF Leuchars. The Typhoon was flown by Flt Lt Walton. The BBMF  Spitfire was flown by Sqn Ldr Mason of RAF Wittering, a volunteer pilot with the Flight. “The iconic image that the pairing of these aircraft presents is one of inspiration from those who fought in the Battle of Britain to those who still fly and fight in the front line today.” Said Sqn Ldr Mason.

As part of the flight displays this summer, synchronised flight displays by an RAF Typhoon and Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire were demonstrated. The last flight this year was flown recently at RAF Leuchars. The Typhoon was flown by Flt Lt Walton from 29 Sqn RAF Coningsby. The Spitfire was flown by Sqn Ldr Mason, a volunteer pilot frm RAF Wittering. Photo: Crown Copyright/MOD 2010