Defense Update ‘Airshow-Live’ debut at Aero-India 2011

aero-india 2011 airshow live - from
aero-india 2011 airshow live - from

Defense Update is introducing its latest online project – Airshow-Live, providing on-site coverage of major airshows and defense exhibitions and conferences. Airshow-Live will debut at Aero-India 2011 providing fresh reports from  the airshow, including news highlights and ‘buzz’ from the exhibition halls, press conferences, national pavilions, flight line and aerial displays.

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Airshow-Live for Aero-India 2011 will be launched January 12 and will be updated twice a week, with reports focusing aerospace business and news highlighting India and Asia.  On February 8 our releases will shift to live, daily releases, available online, via email, or by smartphone, through our new ‘Mobile Edition’. We recommend readers interested in the event or in the Asian market in general to subscribe to our RSS or our regular email service to receive the updates in a timely manner.

Following the Aero India event in Bangalore Airshow-Live is set to cover the Latin American Aerospace and Defense show (LAAD) in Rio de-Janeiro, April, Paris Airshow (Paris, June), AUVSI (Washington DC, August), DSEi (London, September) and AUSA (Washington, October).

Sponsorship and News Distribution

Airshow Live is provided free online and is optimized for smartphones including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Palm and iPad. If you would like to join our sponsors, or use Airshow Live to distribute news prior or at the show, please contact us ASAP.

Aero-India Edition Will Include:

Photo Copyright: Kedar KarmarkarShow preview

Published January 2011, and updated twice a week, covering aerospace highlights, international tenders, modernization plans etc.

  • On-site News

Published daily, and updated streight from Bengaluru, bringing you the insight on current developments

  • National Pavilions

Reporting from the main national pavilions

  • Featured Exhibits

Highlighting new products, interesting trends etc in short photograpic reports

  • Business Highlights

Announcements, joint ventures and alliances, roumors etc.

  • Event Summary report

Summary report to be published on, providing a wrap-up insight into the trends, developments and impressions from the show, including photos, images etc.

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