MBDA has recently tested the MICA VL land-based short range air defense system intercepting a target representing a guided weapon. The recent test was the 17th test of the MICA VL system. It took place on the 13th April 2011, at the French DGA-Essais Missiles test centre in Biscarosse, South West France. The developer funded test followed on the recently concluded evaluation by the French Air Force, as part of their Sol-Air à Lancement VErtical (SALVE) technical demonstration program.

The objective of the recent test firing was to demonstrate the capabilities of the VL MICA system against precision weapons launched from a stand-off range. The firing was carried out using a ground based Conteneur Lanceur Autonome (Autonomous Launch Container) vertical launcher conforming to a standard series production model. Controlled by the MBDA developed Tactical Operations Centre (TOC), the missile quipped with an active electromagnetic seeker intercepted a maneuvering target flying at medium altitude and at a range greater than 15 km.